Looking for some inspiration for your next trip? Here’s our guide to some popular journeys around Great Britain by train. We’ll tell you how to get the best fare, what to expect on board and more.
Birmingham to
Manchesterfrom £8.70
Glasgow to
Leedsfrom £19.40
Bradford to
Londonfrom £18.00
Glasgow to
Manchesterfrom £15.50
Glasgow to
Birminghamfrom £21.00
Birmingham to
Edinburghfrom £23.00
Sheffield to
Manchesterfrom £5.00
Liverpool to
Glasgowfrom £15.00
London to
Glasgowfrom £35.00
Birmingham to
Bristolfrom £10.00
Newcastle to
Birminghamfrom £27.30
London to
Bristolfrom £23.00
London to
Birminghamfrom £6.20
Newcastle to
Leedsfrom £12.40
London to
Canterburyfrom £12.30
London to
Oxfordfrom £5.40
London to
Manchesterfrom £13.70
London to
Edinburghfrom £34.90
London to
Yorkfrom £16.50
Sheffield to
Newcastlefrom £13.90
London to
Exeterfrom £13.90
London to
Cardifffrom £29.50
London to
Durhamfrom £25.00
London to
Chesterfrom £15.00
Leeds to
Edinburghfrom £26.15
London to
Nottinghamfrom £15.60
London to
Southamptonfrom £6.00
Newcastle to
Edinburghfrom £7.80
London to
Norwichfrom £10.00
Manchester to
Edinburghfrom £20.60
London to
Leicesterfrom £14.50