West Midlands Trains is a company that runs under two different brands, depending on the route that you’re travelling on.
Across the two brands, they operate 197 trains and stop at 178 different stations. Out of these stations, they’re in charge of 146 of them.
These brands are West Midlands Railway and London Northwestern Railway. The former brand is used on local services around the West Midlands and to Hereford/Shrewsbury, while the latter is used on trains to and from London, as well as longer-distance services to and from Crewe and Liverpool.
West Midlands Trains runs some slower trains direct to London, in competition with Avanti West Coast (and Chiltern Railways). This means that you can find some bargains if you know where to look.
Single fares from Crewe to London Euston start at £10.20, while Birmingham New Street to London Euston starts at £8.00. Just look for the ‘snail’ symbol and the West Midlands Trains logo when you’re searching on the Railsmartr website:
The cheap fares extend far beyond just the West Midlands to London, though. Thanks to collaboration with Southern trains, you can grab a bargain for trips like Liverpool to Brighton if you don’t mind a slower journey. You can find out more with our guide to cheap fares.
West Midlands Trains do not offer seat reservations on any services so you can sit in any available seat.
On board services
Free WiFi is available on all West Midlands Trains services.
You don’t need to make a reservation, and every train has space for at least one bike. Non-folding bikes aren’t allowed on trains arriving in London Euston between 07:00 and 09:59 or departing between 16:00 and 18:59 on weekdays. There’s more information in our dedicated guide to travelling with bikes.
Up to two dogs, cats or other small domestic animals can travel free.