Our promise
As an independent retailer of train tickets, we are on your side. We aim to find you the cheapest fares and we’ll never charge refund fees if you’re not able to travel.
Our mission is to always find you the cheapest rail fares in Britain. With the train fares structure being insanely complex, it’s a pretty difficult task. How do we do it? Our algorithm is set to find the cheapest fares, while some other retailers look for the fastest trains. This means we can find you the cheapest tickets, even if it means some of the journeys we find take a little longer. And with our SmartSplit fare finder you’ll see the best split ticket options for your journey too – saving you even more!
When it comes to service, we won’t ask you to pay if your plans change or you can’t travel. Unlike most other independent train ticket retailers, we’re committed to offering our customers fee-free booking and refunds.